Health & Wellbeing Projects

Our health and wellbeing projects aim to offer athletes distinctive challenges, foster new experiences, build connections with likeminded people, and equip them with valuable life and sports skills.

  • Lake Mountain Trail Run: Collaboration with CoMade

    In June 2024 we headed to Lake Mountain for the second adventure in our Trail Run Series supported by CoMade, it turned out to be an exciting 10km trail run instead of the planned snowshoeing trek due to the lack of snow but we had a blast all the same!

  • PRJCT:10 Collaboration with the Heart Foundation

    PRJCT:10 is a community initiative created by the Momentum Triathlon Academy in conjunction with the Heart Foundation, to support young individuals aged 18-21 in pursuing their athletic ambitions while promoting heart health awareness.

  • Assisting Visually Impaired Athletes: Collaboration with Achilles

    Achilles is a fantastic Melbourne based running club for people with a disability, offering training on how to guide athletes with a vision impairment. Our collaboration started as a way to support our Momentum Triathlon Academy athlete, Patrick, who is a vision impaired athlete.

  • Marysville Trail Run: Collaboration with CoMade

    The first ever Momentum Triathlon Academy Trail running adventure was took place in April 2024, thanks to the support of CoMade. This adventure provided 8 young athletes with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in nature while challenging their physical endurance and teaching them new skills.

  • Watch this space...

    The next exciting project is in the pipeline so watch this space! As the details are confirmed all will be revealed! In the meantime, f you have an idea for a health and wellbeing project you think we should jump on reach out and let us know!