Assisting Visually Impaired Athletes: Collaboration with Achilles

Achilles is a fantastic Melbourne based running club for people with a disability, offering training on how to guide athletes with a vision impairment. 

Our collaboration with them started as a way to support our Momentum Triathlon Academy athlete, Patrick, who is a  vision impaired athlete.  We wanted to help other Momentum Triathlon Academy athletes to better understand how they can help and what it is like to train with a vision impairment. 

In July 2024, Millie, Skye and Seb joined Patrick and our Momentum Age Group Squad at the Tan for a Guide Training Session with Achilles Guides.  They were surprised at how much they took their vision for granted when running, but also how much verbal and non verbal communication goes into being a great Guide. 

Millie, Skye and Seb all agreed that they learnt something new and that it “let’s you experience running from a completely different perspective.”  Well done to the gang for supporting their team mates and this initiative, we look forward to working more with Achilles, helping more young visually impaired athletes to enjoy triathlon!