Marysville Trail Run Adventure

The trails of Marysville offered a unique backdrop for our young adventurers as they navigated the 14.5km route through winding paths and eucalyptus forest with 500m of elevation. They were challenged by the technical terrain complete with a creek crossing but enjoyed the varying sights including stunning views, spectacular waterfalls, and an unexpected surprise of the slithery type!

They not only pushed boundaries and tested their physical limits but also gained valuable lessons about the nuances of trail running – from navigating uneven terrain to conserving energy on uphill climbs and finding their stride running downhill.

The trail running adventure in Marysville was not just a day of outdoor exploration; it was an experience that inspired an appreciation for nature, a sense of camaraderie, a shared love of jelly snakes and a passion for adventure that we hope will continue to inspire our athletes in life and in sport.