Powering Triathlon Programs in Schools

The Momentum Triathlon Academy currently powers three school based triathlon programs in Melbourne, Australia.

Our aims within each school are to:

  • Grow interest and participation in triathlon as a sport

  • Improve individual triathlon specific skills and fitness

  • Use triathlon as a way of giving young people momentum in other parts of their life.

Our School Programs

Albert Park College


Beginning in 2019, APC was our original school program. It was co-funded with Triathlon Victoria, with the aim of introducing more school children to triathlon. Several of these children have gone on to win races and represent their state or national team. In 2022, we established a Triathlon Academy at the school for the first time, for those looking to grow, learn and perform in their triathlon.

Star of the Sea Girls College


Our second school based program began in 2020 and provided coaching support for the school in the lead up to SCSA Competition. Now a more comprehensive coaching program is in place, focusing on Girls Sport Victoria competitions and external events all year round. Our main aims are to increase participation and retention in triathlon, whilst providing a welcoming squad environment for those who want to train consistently each week and focus more on performance.

Lauriston Girls School


Beginning in 2022, the triathlon program at Lauriston aims to expand on previous student interest in the sport, now offering more external triathlon competitions, a triathlon squad environment for the school and regular coaching and clinics for the first time.